Plan. Protect. Preserve.
Did you know, you already have an Estate Plan?
Everyone has an estate plan, whether intentionally or by default. If you think you have no plan because you have not made out a will or a trust, you still have a plan — it is simply one that will be dictated by the laws of your state upon your death.
- Dying without a will.
- The law dictates distribution choices instead of you.
- Usually requires expensive probate court proceedings.
- Some written instruction to the court
- You choose distribution but the court decides manner and timing
- Usually requires expensive probate court proceedings
Living Trust
- You choose recipients, timing, and manner of distribution
- Avoids probate court proceedings
- Provides key benefits while you are alive
It's always time to create a trust
Young Family
Avoids an expensive probate if the family owns any real estate.
Avoids costly and restrictive court supervised Guardianship for children.
Keeps minor children protected from making poor financial choices by preventing the inheritance of your full estate at 18 years with no oversight.
Powers of attorney provide protection in a medical emergency.
Middle Aged
In addition to the benefits for a young family, in the middle of life when families are growing, more assets are often acquired. A trust is essential for people with investments and/or ANY real estate, in order to avoid the very large cost of probate.
The probate threshold for CA is only $60,000 for real estate or approx $185k in total assets.
Probates are lengthy court processes during which estate assets (including business) are frozen, often forcing a sale of family property.
Retirement Age
At this stage, the value of the assets held often creates a larger estate. Establishing plans for health care and end of life become more crucial.
Avoids or minimizes very high estate tax (currently at 40%).
Allows client to plan for financial and health care decisions to be made by someone they trust if they are incapacitated.
Allows client to make end of life decisions clear to loved ones.

The Value of Planning
An estate plan is an investment in your family's future. What you spend now to create a plan will save your family ...
TIME: Without a plan, your family will be dealing with lawyers and the court for about 2 years in settling your estate.
MONEY: Without a plan, your family will pay the court and lawyers around 10% of the value of your estate. Have a house worth $500K? That’s $50,000.
STRESS :Without a plan, there is a greater likelihood of family conflict, time spent dealing with courts and delays, and decisions being made by someone who doesn’t know your family.
Why choose us?
When you are planning your estate, you want an attorney who knows how to prepare for the worst, but also one who will be there if and when it happens. Our experience in crafting estate plans comes from over 25 years of experience in implementing those plans and also with guiding our clients through the complex court system when no plan was in place. This is what we do, and it’s ALL we do.